Water Conservation Tips When in a Survival Situation

Water Conservation Tips When in a Survival Situation

Loss of access to running water is one of the most common consequences of a natural disaster or other calamity. The impact of a faucet that doesn’t yield water when it’s turned on can make people panic and frantic. They have good reason to be. Water sustains life and...

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Survival 101: Preparing a Children’s First Aid Kit

Survival 101: Preparing a Children’s First Aid Kit

This article will be extremely helpful for preppers who have children and even if you don’t have any, it really doesn’t hurt to have a first aid kit for kid’s ready. You’d be shocked to discover how ill-prepared most people are. During an emergency, you may have...

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14 Hygiene Supplies That All Preppers Should Store

14 Hygiene Supplies That All Preppers Should Store

During a crisis, several problems could arise as far as personal hygiene goes. Should there be a natural disaster such as a flood or earthquake, there is a very real possibility that the roads may be impassable. Getting to the store can be difficult, and even if you...

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Evacuation Planning for Families

Evacuation Planning for Families

Emergencies can be highly unpredictable. You could be well-prepared for a crisis, but if there’s an earthquake and the house comes crumbling down, whatever food and water supplies you’ve stored will be destroyed. The structural integrity of the house will be...

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10 Essential Home Remedy Supplies for Preppers

10 Essential Home Remedy Supplies for Preppers

During times of emergency and the aftermath of a natural disaster or a terrorist attack, most people will start to panic. They’ll rush to the malls and stores and buy up whatever essential items that they think they’ll need. If you’re a savvy prepper, you’d have...

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Self-Defense 101: To Fight or Not to Fight

Self-Defense 101: To Fight or Not to Fight

This is a very common question that arises in many self-defense classes. Should you resist and fight off your attacker or give them what they want? During a crisis, almost always there’s an increase in crime ranging from lootings to rapes and worse. With law...

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Rape Prevention During Times of Crisis

Rape Prevention During Times of Crisis

Rape is one of the most common crimes on the planet. It is a crime of opportunity and in most crisis situations, the number of rape cases always skyrockets. When law enforcement has its hands full dealing with the effects of natural disaster, criminals get bolder and...

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Hardcore Self-Defense: Training to Survive

Hardcore Self-Defense: Training to Survive

Here’s the bad news – the criminals always have it easier. That’s just the way it is. During a disaster or crisis, law enforcement will be busy dealing with many other issues such as rescue efforts, etc. They’ll be short-staffed and since there will be fewer patrols,...

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‘Dirty Self-Defense Moves’ That Could Save Your Life

‘Dirty Self-Defense Moves’ That Could Save Your Life

During times of crisis such as natural disasters, riots, terrorist attacks, etc. when there’s a lot of confusion and panic, it’s almost inevitable to see a rise in crime. There will be an increase in murders, rapes, looting incidents, muggings and much more. Criminals...

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5 Fundamentals of Unarmed Self-Defense for Preppers

5 Fundamentals of Unarmed Self-Defense for Preppers

Any survivalist worth his or her salt would view self-defense as a very important skill that they need to master. You could be an expert at storing water and food and your bug out bag could be all ready to go, but if two hoodlums break into your home and injure or...

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